About Me

Coach Kelsey Walker

For the last 8 years my passion for nutrition and health have blossomed past personal interest to wanting to share with anyone who will listen! As you can see in my own transformation photo I too have experienced the effects of an unbalanced life and poor relationship with food. When I learned how to fuel my body for success without restricting my favorite foods *cough, donuts and raisinets, cough* I finally felt happy and lost any sense of guilt! It has been the most freeing season of my life.

I was raised in Colorado in a small town in the mountains. After high school I enlisted in the Army and lived in North Carolina for 8 years. This is where I met by best friend, and husband, Hunter. Together we share a love for fitness and have been able to experience many of the amazing activities that N.C. offers. We now live in Colorado and have started to grow our family, starting with our son. We still love to be outdoors and do anything to get our body’s moving and our son, some sun!

I have a Nutrition Certification and Personal Training Certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). I have extensive training in macronutrition and nutritional periodization as well as a history of working with clients with various backgrounds, from PCOS to pre-diabetes. Everyone’s health journey is personal and distinguishable and it’s my passion as a coach to take that walk with you.

Since high school I have lost a total of 40lbs but gained so much confidence, happiness, and MUSCLE! I want nothing more than to help you too. I know that it’s possible, even on days when it doesn’t seem like it. I am so excited to be standing in YOUR corner, I can’t wait to see what you will bring to fruition! Tell me, what are your goals?