Client Stories

Every client has a different journey! I am so thankful to have been involved in everyone’s journey below! See what they’re saying about Coached by Kelsey

FEB 2022 – AUG 2022

“I felt very supported the whole time I worked with you. You had great personable skills when it came to creating a plan of action just for me and always made sure I stayed positive through the process, even on my worst days. I could tell that you genuinely care about each of your clients and go above and beyond for them, which makes working with you that much better. You have changed my life/way of living for the better and I have learned so much.” – B.M.

NOV 2021 – AUG 2022

“Honestly, this is WAAAAAAYYYY better than using some fad diet. And believe me I’ve done a number of those and they never seem to work because they always limit you on what you can and cant eat. I love that you break it down to macros and how to begin from there. As much as I THOUGHT I wouldn’t like creating my own meal plans, I actually enjoy it now. I enjoy food sooooo much more and I have a better relationship with it too! You have helped me create better eating habits but also helped me realize that the scale doesn’t really matter. My body is constantly changing (which is why you have me take pictures and measurements) but also ask how my clothes are fitting because THAT is the real progress, not the scale. I have learned so much from you and honestly… don’t want to stop working with you! You have an unbelievable extent of knowledge in this field. What I also love is that you are also personable! You tell it how it is, and I love the fact that you never give up the “good food” such as donuts and dove chocolates. You have given me so much potential and growth! <3” – D.S.