Who is Coach Kels?

Lover of donuts and fitness, because life needs balance! Hi I’m Kels, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend, and a coach. I met my husband in North Carolina and now we are back in my home state of Colorado – excitement is an understatement! We love being outdoors and now that we have a son, can’t wait to show him how fun this world is! I’ve always had a passion to teach people a sustainable lifestyle in this awful diet riddled society, but now that I’m a mom, it’s even stronger. I want nothing more than to show him what this looks like first hand. 

I love learning about nutrition and helping people see food as an enjoyable fuel and not the enemy! Having a positive relationship with food can be life changing. Can you imagine going to a party, or through the holidays without anxiety around your diet?! Can you imagine feeling fueled and satisfied everyday instead of drinking coffee to curb your hunger? A sustainable lifestyle includes a healthy relationship with food and taking out extreme measures. I went from an over weight high schooler to  under-eating (1200 calories) and stalled weight lifting progress to my most lean, strongest self, and competing in a CrossFit competition at over 2K calories. I will NEVER look back. 

I’m here to help you accomplish the same! It can be done, it’s oh so freeing, and DELICIOUS! I preach an 80/20 lifestyle, keeping on track 80% of the time so the other 20% you can relax and enjoy those donuts! If you’re ready to live your freest life, check out my coaching page

Live your best, 

Coach Kels
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Nutrition Coach
Macro Expert